
Underground Fault Circuit Indicators

On the next few pages you will find our range of underground cables. Besides the traditional underground fault circuit indicator DYO-FF-FI (the sensor is fixed to the wire with a removable stainless steel bracket), you can also find the underground fault circuit indicator DYO-FF-FIS (the sensor is fixed to the wire with a flexible Rogowski coil) as a Indicator of ground fault. Suitable for 5-38KV underground cable medium voltage distribution lines.


• Various I/O interfaces,Provide 1 DI,2DO, external LED lamp interface

• Dual Power Supply, underground fault circuit indicator support external 5~36V DC power supply, Support internal 3.6V replaceable lithium battery

• Multiple Reset Method Manual, timer, automatic and remotely

• Flexible Parameter Setting Method, underground fault circuit indicator support DIP local configuration and Modbus remote configuration

• Short circuit to ground fault indication via bright red LED

